

AI applied to non-profit: what horizons and prospects?

“Artificial intelligence will be dead in a few years. When you stop naming something, it no longer exists, it is dead. It will be so integrated into everything we do, that we will stop naming it. It will be like saying “I did it with the computer”. Davide Cardea, trainer and collaborator of INTERSOS Lab, tells the webinar of March 27, 2024 “AI applied to Non-Profit.”


Play Your Mind: here is the TOOLKIT

The PLYM (Play your mind) project toolkit is finally online, literally a "toolbox" that collects tools and materials useful for clarifying the objectives and results achieved.


Memorandum of Understanding Signed between Municipio XIII of Rome and INTERSOS LAB

Rome, 1 July 2024 – A new important step towards strengthening community support services was taken today with the signing of the memorandum of understanding between INTERSOS LAB and the Municipio XIII of Rome. The signing ceremony was attended by the President of the Municipio XIII, Sabrina Giuseppetti, the Councilor for Social, Health and Equal Opportunity Policies of the Municipality, Arianna Quarta and Cesare Fermi, legal representative of INTERSOS LAB.


"Volunteers in the Communities", working for integration in Italy

Launched in 2022 by INTERSOS in partnership with UNHCR, the VOC – Volunteers in the Communities program has involved over 100 volunteers in information, consultation and representation activities and has supported more than 1,500 refugees, migrants, asylum seekers and stateless persons. Volunteers in the communities are refugees, migrants, asylum seekers and stateless persons, who act as a bridge between their communities and the society that welcomes them, in particular with the world of services, i... continue


REFERRAL: What is a referral and why is it important?

The term referral indicates the communication passage that occurs between different sectors, or between different entities, to meet the needs of a person or a group. Referral is important for the optimization of each skill and the efficiency of the network of services present in the territory, avoiding fragmentation.


BEING A HUMANITARIAN WORKER: What transversal skills are needed to be able to do this job?

“Course for Humanitarian Operator: Roles and Fields of Action”, aimed at university students/recent graduates and operators who work or wish to better professionalize in the sector.


The Employment Agency

In September 2023 INTERSOS Lab srl was accredited by the Lazio Region as an Employment Agency with Management Decision no. G11876 - 11 September 2023. Since its accreditation, INTERSOS Lab has aimed to establish a complete supply chain that goes from taking charge of beneficiaries, to active policy paths (orientation and accompaniment to work), up to insertion into the labor market, also through protocols with companies and employer bodies, such as Confimprese Italia. This supply chain starts from... continue



Like Taoufik, Amal also tells her story and now she feels at home: “My name is Amal, I have been here for almost 4 years, I live in Camini and I am Syrian. I would like to thank Italy for everything they have done for us. At the beginning we only found difficulties, but now we are used to the Italian culture, the language, the people who are here in Camini who are truly very good people. Camini has now become our second country.” Taufik and Amal's are just two of the many positive experiences of... continue


"Via Della Stazione di Ottavia" the new podcast to give voice to migrants, created by Fondazione Bullone with the Stories of INTERSOSLab

Ep.1 - Residence Permit: To live legally in the Italian territory it is essential to have a residence permit. Thus begins a chronological journey that lasts day, after day, after day. Until the days become years, and the years are waiting, the waiting for an Earth that is finally home. When do you stop waiting for your home to have no crumbling walls, for the earth beneath your feet to become common and collective earth? In this episode we tell the story of Adonay.


(E)Mission (Im)Possible

The 2nd Edition of the free on-demand course, co-financed by the European Union, started on October 16. The course is promoted by our partner A Sud Onlus, which has been committed to quality training and activism for years to support the leading role of international cooperation and the third sector in the fight against climate change and in the promotion of climate justice.
