

Hight Quality Food

High Quality Food S.p.A. established in 2003, is active in the production, processing and distribution of high-end food products on the Ho.Re.Ca. Italian and foreign market. In 2013 it started an international expansion path and today has 4 offices around the world: Italy (headquarter), Hong Kong, London and Singapore. In addition, in January 2021, HQF opened a new branch in Ibiza.SHORT SUPPLY CHAIN - HIGH QUALITY From international haute cuisine to a new concept aiming at distributing to all consumers... continue


Il Bullone

Il Bullone is a newspaper, but also -and above all- a non-profit foundation dealing with children who have or have lived the experience of disease (cancer, anorexia, HIV, rare diseases, etc.), but who have forcefully gone further, rebuilding their future through union, work and determination.Il Bullone is also a monthly magazine created together with the B.Liver and the Director, Giancarlo Perego. A newspaper which can be an inspiration for young people for its key topics of the society from interviews... continue



Intersos is an Italian humanitarian organization on the front-line of emergencies, bringing assistance to victims of armed conflicts, natural disasters and extreme exclusion with particular attention to the protection of the most vulnerable people.Since 1992 our humanitarian workers have been helping people affected by humanitarian crises: we provide first aid, food, shelter, medical assistance and basic goods. We ensure that basic needs, as education, access to clean water and health assistance,... continue


Clinica del diritto dell'immigrazione e della cittadinanza

The clinica del diritto dell’Immigrazione e della cittadinanza dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre was founded in 2010 - initially as an experimental laboratory - resulting, thus, one of the first Italian experiences of clinical teaching of law, as well as the first one ever to provide a service open to the public within the premises of the University itself. Starting from the 2011/2012 a.y., in addition to the semester course in immigration law and international protection, which participation avera... continue



Phidia offers concrete tools and skills to enable your business to grow and improve business processes. Through an integrated approach and 3 dedicated and interconnected areas: Training, Software House and Web Agency, the goal of our company is to support customers in every aspect of their profession, from training courses to application and technological solutions for the business world.Phidia’s Mission is to spread the Innovation and quality culture to all people and companies who want to increase t... continue


Università per Stranieri di Perugia

From October 2021 Intersos Lab and the Università per Stranieri di Perugia signed the Scientific Framework Agreement and are aimed jointly at strengthening and expanding the relations concerning mutual exchanges and collaboration to activities and projects in areas of common interest and in keeping with their responsibilities, in accordance with the own institutional aims. For this purpose, both parties undertake to carry out any necessary activities for the best implementation of this agreement a... continue


Centro Valutazione Certificazioni Linguistiche

Il Centro per la Valutazione e le Certificazioni Linguistiche (Cvcl) of the University for Foreigners of Perugia, promotes and develops study and research in the field of assessment and evaluation of language skills and competence.Established in 2005 as an autonomous university center, it has consolidated and strengthened a traditional experience in the certification of Italian as a Foreign Language, developed since 1987 by the University for Foreigners of Perugia.In July 2021, a collaboration agreement... continue


Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale

From February 2022 Intersos Lab and the Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale signed an agreement for internships, trainings and career guidance in order to facilitate professional choices through direct knowledge of the labour market and create moments of alternation between study and work within the training processes.Intersos Lab has therefore become a stakeholder for the Department of Literary, Linguistics and Comparative Studies. From September 2022 Intersos Lab srl will host trainees fr... continue
